Into the Tidyverse
Today’s purpose
To walk through the tidyverse
and become familiar with the functions that it provides the user and how it can make your life so much better to use.
What the heck even is a tidyverse
tidyverse is a collection of R packages providing an all-inclusive resource for data science (well, almost). When you library(tidyverse)
the following packages are loaded up as dependencies:
Package | Description |
ggplot2 |
Graphics-building package based on The Grammar of Graphics mapping aesthetics to data visually |
tibble |
Wrapper on traditional dataframes allowing for better printing and viewing data |
tidyr |
Package to easily and quickly get your data into a rectangular format (if not already in one) |
readr |
Super fast package for reading in rectangular data (like csv, tsv, and fwf) |
purrr |
A set of tools for working with functions and vectors for functional programming techniques |
dplyr |
Quickly and efficiently manipulate data with a Grammar of Manipulation (just made that up) |
Within each of these there are a handful of other dependencies - not all of which I am going to talk through. However, one package that is important to know about is magrittr
. It is a dependency loaded with dplyr
and allows for the use of pipes (the %>%
character) - which is an extremely strong character and provides the user the ability to “pipe through” elements into functions for manipulation/modeling/visualizing. That probably makes no sense right now, but I promise it will when we walk through an example or two.
Let’s jump into some examples
Probably the best way to learn a thing in R is to do a thing in R - so let’s do that. I made a promise years ago not to ever use iris
or mtcars
in my examples, so instead we are going to mess around with the babynames
dataset (another gem from Hadley Wickham) for this first example.
Let’s load in our packages and set a theme for plotting
Aside from our tidyverse
package, we are also going to load in the babynames
package that houses baby names for the US from 1880 to 2014 for all names used by at least five children of either sex for every year. It also has cohort life tables, which is pretty interesting to mess around with as well. The data is provided by the Social Security Administration - so you know it’s legit.
We’re also loading in extrafont
to access fonts that exist on my local machine and ggthemes
to church up plots in ggplot a bit. I’ve added descriptors next to each line of ggthemes::theme_set
to help understand what each does.
Peek into some of the data
Honing in first on the lifetales, we have a number of options in R to get a feel for what the data looks like. In base R, we can use str
to identify the class of each variable (assuming your data is rectangular) as well as the first few rows of each.
However, in tidyverse
we have tibble::glimpse
- which provides a cleaner view of the underlying data, and will always render the data even if it is stored remotely in a database.
# Load in the life tables from SSA (`babynames` package) and glimpse
life_tables <- babynames::lifetables
Do some quick visual exploration
This is where it starts to get fun (assuming you aren’t already having fun) - exploring the data visually. We know from our source what the definition of each variable is. For instance, we know that variable x
is age in years; we know that lx
is the number of individuals alive at year x
; we know the number of survivors by sex
; and we know the number of survivors across each year
With this data, we can calculate a weighted average age for each sex for each year using a handful of dplyr
functions. We can then pass this data through to be visualized using ggplot
- quickly visualizing some trends!
# Manipulate our data
life_tables %>% # The pipe operator will 'pipe' our `life_tables` dataframe
# as the first argument to the following function
dplyr::select(x, lx, sex, year) %>% # dplyr::select will select the relevant variables (columns)
# that we need and create a new dataframe
dplyr::group_by(year, sex) %>% # dplyr::group_by will group our observations (rows) into the
# relevant categories (year and sex) to run calculations on
dplyr::summarise_each(funs(weighted.mean(., lx)), -lx) %>%
# dplyr::summarise_each summarises each of the
# ungrouped columns (in this case, age and number of people)
# based on the function defined in the funs() argument
# - in this case, it's a weighted mean
# Visualize the results
ggplot(aes(year, x, group = sex)) + # You can then use the piping operator to feed the final product
# (a dataframe of weighted average ages by year and gender) directly
# into the data argument of your ggplot function
geom_linerange(aes(ymin = 0, ymax = x, colour = sex), position = position_dodge(5)) +
# This builds a line plot from 0 to the age of each gender by year
# and colors them based on their classification (M or F)
geom_point(aes(colour = sex), position = position_dodge(5)) +
# This builds a dot plot for the age of each gender by year
# also colored by gender
scale_colour_manual(values = c('blue', 'pink')) +
# This manual defines the coloration of our classifiers
# - (M == 'blue, F == 'pink')
labs(title = 'Average Age by Cohort',
subtitle = 'Ages based on the weighted average number of individuals for each age among each cohort.',
caption = 'Data provided by the Social Security Administration')
Build some models
Another use-case for the tidyverse
family would be applying a function across a dataframe. In the old days, this would be done either through the apply
family or via a good ol’ for
loop. However, with purrr
comes the handy map
function - which will allow you to map a function across your data.
For example, let’s say we want to be crazy and model the propensity of a given name over time. In other words, we are going to model the change in the number of individual names as a function of time. To set this up, we are going to dive back into the babynames
package, and export out the dataframe of names.
# First, let's nest all of the data for each name into their own column <- babynames %>% # Feed the babynames data into the next function
group_by(name) %>% # Group the dataframe by name
nest() # Nest the grouped data into a list
# We can see that each element within `data` represents the entire data for each group (or in this case, each name)
# Now that the data is in this format, we can fit a linear model to each name <- %>% # Feed the data into the next function
mutate(model = purrr::map(data, ~ lm(n ~ year, data = .))
# Mutate the dataframe to build a new column titled "model"
# Take a glimpse - we now see a new column 'model' housing all of the modeling results
# We can also now extract model coefficients using `broom::tidy` %>% # Feed dataframe into the next function
unnest(model %>% purrr::map(broom::tidy))
# Unnest the contents of the "model" column and
# output the rownames (coefficients in this case)
What else can tidyverse
There are an insane number of functions embedded into tidyverse
- far more than a single tutorial can cover. We hit on some of the main packages today with dplyr
for quick data manipulation and ggplot
for good-looking visualization, but packages like purrr
and tidyr
can help to take manipulation even further prior to visualization.
To learn more about how you can use tidyverse
and its dependencies, check out the official page or read Hadley Wickham’s R for Data Science. Go make cool stuff!